EU-ministers van Economische Zaken bekrachtigen akkoord over EU-octrooi (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 december 2012.

EU Ministers participating at the afternoon sessions of today’s Competitiveness Council i, in Brussels, endorsed the historic agreement reached by Coreper I i on the Unitary Patent Protection Package. The Council, chaired by the Cypriot Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Mr Neoklis Sylikiotis, also adopted Conclusions on the second wave of priority proposals under the Single Market Act II.

The Council decided today on the political endorsement of the agreement reached by Coreper I, on the 19th of November, on the Unitary Patent Protection Package. Discussions for the creation of a unitary patent system date back more than 30 years, with Minister Sylikiotis describing the agreement as a great success for the Cyprus Presidency and expressing his hope that the European Parliament votes in favor of the Regulations in tomorrow’s plenary session.

As pointed out by Mr. Sylikiotis, “the new system that will be created with the adoption of the Unitary Patent Protection Package, will certainly contribute to boosting the competitiveness of the EU innovation industry and, hence, to the revitalisation of the European economy. It will ensure a more efficient patent protection in the EU and the simplification of relevant regulations, particularly for the benefit of the Union’s small and medium-sized enterprises”, he added.

Promotion of the Single Market Act II

At the meeting, the Ministers also adopted Conclusions on the second wave of priority proposals under the Single Market Act II, presented by the Commission on October 3rd 2012. “The proposals supplement the Single Market Act I package and are aimed at reinforcing further the single market, for economic growth and job creation”, explained Minister Sylikiotis.

In addition, the Council discussed the pending legislation of the Single Market Act I package, assessing the progress regarding the Accounting Directive, the Professional Qualifications Directive and, finally, the Public Procurement Directives package.

As explained by Mr. Sylikiotis, the three Directives package, “relates to a wide range of areas, including the simplification, flexibilisation and upgrading of procurement procedures, the strategic use of public procurement for addressing new challenges, the improvement of access of small and medium-sized enterprises to the market, and, finally, governance”. The agreement on a general approach on the complex package of Public Procurement Directives that was reached today at the Competitiveness Council is an important development for strengthening and further homogenization of the internal market and for creating conditions for growth and employment throughout the European Union.

More information on the results of the Competitiveness Council’s morning session can be found in the Press Release issued after the press conference held jointly by Minister Sylikiotis and the Vice-President of the European Commission Mr. Antonio Tajani i.

Finally, the Council was informed about the preliminary agreement reached with the EP i, regarding the proposed Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution Directive and the proposed Consumer Online Dispute Resolution Regulation.