EU ‘trio’ komt bijeen in Warschau (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 9 mei 2011.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk i will chair a meeting of the EU ‘trio’ presidency in Warsaw today, where the head of government will meet with Danish PM Lars Lokke Rasmussen i and Cypriot president Dimitris Christofias i.

From 1 July this year to 31 December 2012, Poland, Denmark and Cyprus will consecutively hold the six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union. The talks today will be on cooperation within the framework of the ‘trio presidency’.

The meeting is also an opportunity to take stock of progress in trio group and discuss issues that will be central in the three countries' presidencies. These include the EU budget for 2014-2020 and further development of the internal market.

The current ‘trio’ consists of Spain, Belgium and Hungary - with Budapest taking over the presidency in January of this year.

Meanwhile, Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, the minister for European Affairs announced this morning on Polish Radio that the logo for Poland’s EU presidency will be unveiled tomorrow.

“The logo will have a Polish accent, will be dynamic and colourful,” he said.
