Comité van Ministers bespreekt naleving arresten Mensenrechtenhof door Cyprus, Italië, Griekenland, Oekraïne, Rusland, Moldavië en Turkije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van Europa (RvE) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 28 november 2005.

Strasbourg, 28.11.2005 - On 29 and 30 November 2005, the Committee of Ministers holds its 6th and final meeting in 2005 to supervise the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (Article 46 of the ECHR). The Committee will supervise the payment by respondent states of just satisfaction to applicants (517 cases), the adoption of other individual measures granting the applicants the appropriate redress (77 cases or groups of cases) and of general measures preventing new similar violations (96 cases or groups of cases). The Committee will also examine for the first time 165 new judgments of the Court and 32 draft final Resolutions concluding that the respondent states have complied with their obligation under the judgments.

The Committee will supervise inter alia:

(1) The granting of redress to the applicants for the violations found, notably:

  • reopening by Turkey and Italy of domestic criminal proceedings which have violated the applicants' right to a fair trial and resulted in heavy convictions (Hulki Güneş v. Turkey and Dorigo v. Italy);
  • allowing a stateless person, and his family, to return to Bulgaria from which the former had been expelled in violation of the ECHR (Al-Nashif v. Bulgaria);
  • remedying the shortcomings in effective investigations into abuses by police or security forces in Romania (Bursuc v. Romania), Russia (four cases concerning violations in Chechnya), the United Kingdom (six cases concerning violations in Northern Ireland) and Ukraine (Afanasyev v. Ukraine);
  • putting an end by the Greek and Romanian authorities to non compliance with domestic judgments requiring specific measures regarding the applicants' professional career or property protection (Castren-Niniou v. Greece; Croitoriu v. Romania);

    (2) Responses to be given by Russia, Turkey and Ukraine to the Court's findings of violations of Article 38 (obligation to cooperate with the Court in the establishment of the facts) (Shamayev and others v. Russia; Ateş Yasin v. Turkey; Nevmerzhitsky v. Ukraine);

    (3) Further action to be taken with regard to the persistent problem of excessive length of domestic proceedings in Italy;

    (4) Further measures required by Greece in order to accelerate proceedings in administrative courts and to introduce an effective domestic remedy against unreasonably long proceedings (Manios group of cases);

    (5) Measures to ensure the execution of domestic judicial decisions in Russia and Ukraine;

    (6) The implementation of the Ilascu et al. v. Russia & Moldova judgment which found the applicants' detention in the "Moldavian Republic of Transdniestria" to be arbitrary and unlawful and ordered the immediate release of the applicants still in detention;

    (7) Further progress in the execution of the Cyprus v. Turkey judgment, in particular in regard to the issue of missing persons and the rights to education and freedom of religion;

    (8) The adoption by Cyprus of new legislation allowing Cypriot citizens of Turkish origin residing in the Republic of Cyprus to vote and to be elected in parliament (Aziz v. Cyprus).

    The information submitted to the Committee and its decisions are public. Interim Resolutions adopted on important and urgent issues take effect and become public on the day of the meeting. The other decisions adopted and the annotated agenda containing information on the progress in the execution of judgments are made public few days after the meeting on or

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