Staatssteun aan scheepswerven in Duitsland, Spanje en Griekenland was ongeoorloofd en moet worden terugbetaald (en)

woensdag 20 oktober 2004

The European Commission has taken final decisions concerning shipyards in Germany, Greece and Spain. In all three cases illegal subsidies must be re-paid and in the case of Greece certain illegal provisions must be repealed.




This decision concerns capital injections of €1,477 million provided in 2000 to 2002 from the State holding company Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) to IZAR, the owner of the public Spanish shipyards. The Commission has established that out of this amount €556 million have been used to cover losses and to provide other forms of support to IZAR's civil activities. The rest of the capital was used to cover social costs and other costs linked to past and recent military activities of IZAR and its predecessor Bazán. Funds for military activities are in principle not covered by European Union's state aid rules. But the €556 million aid provided to IZAR's civil activities is not in line with the rules and the Commission, therefore, concludes that this amount has to be recovered from IZAR.


It must be noted that the Commission and the Council approved in 1997 restructuring aid to the public Spanish shipyards amounting to €1,380 million[1] on the condition that no further such aid could be provided. Including aid approved in 1995 the total restructuring aid package amounted to €1,900 million. The restructuring period lasted from 1994 to 1998, after which the shipyards should have become profitable. This did not happen, and the shipyards have continued to generate losses.


In 1999 the Commission decided that €111 million provided in 1998 to the public Spanish shipyards could not be approved and had to be recovered. The Court of Justice upheld the decision. In May 2004, the Commission also decided that further aid of €308 million provided to IZAR's civil shipyards in 2000 could not be authorised and had to be recovered.


Hellenic Shipyards


In a separate decision, the European Commission concluded that the Greek authorities must repeal certain legal provisions, which allow the State to cover future retirement costs at Hellenic shipyards and to relieve Hellenic Shipyards from any tax or other duties with respect to reserves and amounts for the increase of share capital, which are used to offset losses of previous years.


These measures are incompatible with EU state aid rules as they constitute operating aid. The Greek authorities have been requested to repeal both measures and to recover any aid that may have been granted.


Kvaerner Warnow Werft


In another decision, the Commission has also decided that the German government must recover €13.3 million from Kvaerner Warnow Werft.


After the re-unification of Germany, the East German shipyards received large amounts of state aid for their restructuring (between 1993 and 1995).


The Commission has examined allegations that the company would have received new subsidies and after a careful examination concluded that it had indeed received €13.3 million in illegal aid.


Background on Shipbuilding policy


As a final comment the Commission would like to underline that European Community has a coherent policy in support of EU shipyards, which face unfair competition from Korean shipyards. This policy consists of four main elements.

  • WTO procedure. The Commission has launched a dispute settlement procedure in the WTO against Korea challenging restructuring aid and export aid and the price depression these measures have caused. This procedure is currently ongoing in Geneva.
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  • Temporary defensive mechanism. The Commission already in year 2001 proposed a temporary defensive aid[2] to help EU shipyards face the unfair Korean competition in market segments particularly hit, such as product-, chemical- and LNG-tankers and containerships. This aid, of up to 6% of the contract value per ship, is available since October 2002 and was recently prolonged until 31 March 2005.
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  • InterSHIP is a EUR 38m research project, financed jointly by Euroyards and the European Commission and designed to improve the competitiveness of European cruise, ferry and ro-pax shipbuilders, to develop safer and more environmentally friendly ships considering their entire life cycle, and to achieve a drastic reduction of building and development costs as well as time-to-market of innovative solutions.
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  • "LeaderSHIP 2015[3]" is a Commission initiative aiming at strengthening the competitiveness of EC shipyards. The Leadership 2015 Group has identified a number of priorities in the field of maritime industries: strengthening R&D and innovation, establishing a level playing field at world level, developing financial and guarantee schemes, ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights, and providing access to a skilled workforce. Implementation of these priorities will be subject to particularly close scrutiny. In both cases, this will mean implementing the guidelines proposed by the Commission and adopted by the Council on the basis of the recommendation of the High-Level groups.
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  • One if the first results of LeaderSHIP is support for innovation, and was included in the new Framework on state aid to shipbuilding[4], which is applicable since 1 January 2004 and which allows up to 20% innovation aid for shipbuilding for the innovative parts of the project. Shipbuilding is the only industrial sector in the EU that has access to such aid.
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  • The Commission believes that further consolidation, respecting competition rules, can generate benefits at all levels of activity, commercial and naval shipbuilding, and ship repair.

[1] OJ C 354, 21.11.97, p.2. Press release IP/97/646, 15/07/1997


[2] OJ L 172, 2.7.2002, p.1, Press release IP/02/945, 27/06/2002


[3] COM(2003) 717 final of 21.11.2003,


[4] OJ C 317, 30.12.2003, p.11. Press release IP/03/1607, 26/11/2003