Joint press release following the 4th Association Council meeting between the European Union and Georgia

Met dank overgenomen van Bulgaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2018 (Bulgaars voorzitterschap) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 februari 2018.

The European Union and Georgia held the 4th meeting of the Association Council on 5 February 2018. The Council is the highest body established under the EU-Georgia Association Agreement to supervise the implementation of the Agreement and to discuss issues of mutual interest.

The Association Council welcomed the fact that the local elections in Georgia in October/November respected fundamental freedoms and candidates were able to campaign freely and that although partisan, increasingly free and active media fostered greater political debate, as stated in the OSCE/ODIHR preliminary report. Both sides highlighted the importance of addressing all recommendations related to the administration of the elections in order to further strengthen the environment favourable for the democratic conduct of elections.

The Association Council welcomed the adoption of the constitutional reform and of the overall positive opinion of the Venice Commission that assessed it as a completion of the evolution of Georgia towards a parliamentary system. The Association Council encouraged all political actors to work together and to maintain a dialogue open in order to further strengthen democratic institutions, consolidate pluralistic democracy in Georgia and advance reforms.

The EU reiterated its readiness for close cooperation with the Georgian government to advance the common EU-Georgia bilateral agenda.