Europe lacks intelligence capacities and capabilities

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 april 2016, 14:08.
Auteur: ALDE

ALDE Group leader, Guy Verhofstadt i, at a presentation on 7 April for the latest edition of his book, entitled Europe's Disease, discussed his views on anti-terrorism in Europe.

"Terrorism and insecurity in Europe today is another proof that there is a lack of Europe ... Loose coordination between 28 members states, 28 police forces, 28 intelligence services is not sufficient," said the Liberal Group leader.

"What we have for the moment is an inflation of databases that are not connected with each other," Verhofstadt said, adding that "terrorists don't know borders, but our police and intelligence services are still closed and working within borders".

Vehofstadt pointed out the need for European intelligence capacities and capabilities and called for extending competences for Europol i - the EU law enforcement agency that handles criminal intelligence - and a European coast and boarder guard.

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