EP this week: posted workers, clean water, sea border controls

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 17 februari 2014.

MEPs are set to endorse an agreement with the Council on sea border controls and will try to reach a deal on better protection for workers posted in another EU country. On Monday the EP holds a public hearing for the first citizens' initiative on good quality water as a basic right and the last ReAct event will take place in Madrid to discuss the economy.

On Monday the environment committee, together with the petitions, internal market and development committees, organises a public hearing for the first European citizens' initiative "Water is a human right". The organisers of the initiative will present their objectives and discuss the right to access to adequate supplies of clean drinking water and sanitation throughout the EU.

The economic affairs committee will vote on Thursday on a report on internet payments and credit card fees, which seeks to make internet payments more secure.

The civil liberties committee and member states represented by the Council will on Thursday seek to endorse an informal agreement on how border agency Frontex should deal with migrants intercepted or rescued at sea.

During the week EP negotiators from the social affairs committee participate in informal negotiations to try to reach an agreement on better protecting workers who have been temporarily posted in another part of the EU.

On Thursday the last ReAct event, organised ahead of the European elections in May, takes place in Madrid. The event centres on a debate on the economy and how to get out of the crisis, with several academics as key speakers.

REF. : 20140217STO36202

Updated: ( 17-02-2014 - 18:08)