Verklaring Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Ashton over verkiezingen op de Malediven (en)
Brussels, 13 November 2013 (OR. en) PRESSE 472
Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton i, on behalf of the European Union on the First Round of Presidential Elections in the Maldives on 9 November 2013.
The EU notes that, on 9 November, Maldivians voted in high numbers in the repeated first round of Presidential elections, reflecting their desire to exercise their democratic rights and their trust in the Elections Commission. As in September, the first round was conducted in a professional and impartial way.
The EU notes that a second round is now scheduled for Saturday 16 November, but in circumstances not foreseen in the Constitution.
The EU considers that any attempt to further delay or otherwise influence the outcome of the elections could only be intended to prevent the people of the Maldives from exercising their democratic right to choose their next president.
The EU underlines that neither continuing uncertainty nor a drift towards autocratic rule would be acceptable to the EU and that it is therefore ready to consider appropriate measures should the poll on 16 November not bring the electoral process to a successful conclusion.