Uitkomst Economisch Forum: EU-interne energiemarkt voordelig voor consumenten en bedrijven (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 4 september 2013.

On September 3-4 Minister of energy Jaroslav Neverovič has participated at the 23rd Economic Forum in Krynica (Poland). During the Forum discussion „The European Union’s internal energy market - an opportunity for Central Europe?” Minister presented EU internal energy market as a condition to increase stability and competitiveness of Europe’s economy.

„Common Energy Market is one of the major EU's objectives. It will become one of the main conditions for the development of more stable and competitive Europe`s economy, thus leading to increased EU role at global space. The EU internal energy market with 500 million consumers is one of the biggest markets in the world, thus fully functional market will bring corresponding benefits to EU business” - Minister of Energy said during the forum.

According to J. Neverovič in order to have a well-functioning internal energy market it is necessary to fully implement the 3rd EU’ energy package, proceed with the development of energy infrastructure and to increase the share of energy generated from the internal energy sources. After Europe will have optimized energy infrastructure and energy supply from diversified sources, European citizens will be granted secure energy supply at competitive prices.

Minister stressed that the issue of competitiveness is a very important part of energy debates. High energy prices in Europe were a part of economic meltdown. In this respect, the Commission is asked to present an analysis of the composition of energy prices in the Member States which should explore the remaining market disparities and other issues that need urgent decisions to be made at the Union level.

„At this time we are at the threshold of the historic changes - we are moving straight towards the completion of fully functional internal energy market. Lithuania, while holding the presidency of the Council of the European Union, is doing everything possible to achieve considerable progress in this field“ - said Minister of Energy.

During the Economic Forum minister J. Neverovič met with the deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Poland Janusz Piechociński. Cooperation between Lithuania and Poland in the field of energy was discussed during this meeting. According to J. Neverovič the implementation and progress of the electricity interconnection LitPol Link is a valuable example of close and fruitful cooperation when facing common goals. It is expected that the project of gas interconnection between the two countries will be carried on in the same cooperative manner.

J. Neverovič also met with the representatives of responsible governmental institutions and energy companies from EU member states and Ukraine.

The most significant figures from the world of politics and business from Eastern and Central Europe have an opportunity to meet at the Economic Forum in Krynica for the 23rd time. This Forum has already become one of the most significant economic events throughout the region. The Forum was organized by the Institute of Eastern studies.