Eurojust en INTERPOL gaan beter samenwerken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees orgaan voor de justitiële samenwerking (Eurojust) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 15 juli 2013.

The Hague, 15 July 2013

Following negotiations that ended in April 2013, Eurojust, represented by the President, Ms Michèle Coninsx, and INTERPOL, represented by the Secretary General, Mr Ronald K. Noble, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at Eurojust’s premises in The Hague on 15 July.

The purpose of the MoU is to establish, define, encourage and improve cooperation between Eurojust and INTERPOL in the fight against serious crime, particularly when it is organised, in accordance with their legal frameworks. Common areas of interest identified are maritime piracy, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, terrorism, genocide and combating fraud.

Each organisation will establish a contact point to coordinate cooperation. The MoU also includes the possibility to organise joint training activities, exchange expertise and best practice in areas of common interest, exchange strategic and technical information and combine efforts to provide expertise and support to joint investigation teams.

Photos: © Eurojust

The revised Eurojust Decision provides the legal basis for the MoU:

“in so far as it is required for the performance of its tasks, Eurojust may establish and maintain cooperative relations with the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol).”

Eurojust has concluded MoUs and cooperation agreements with a number of organisations and third States. See Agreements concluded by Eurojust.

Following the signing of the MoU, Ms Coninsx said: “Eurojust and INTERPOL have cooperated on a number of occasions in the past. This Memorandum of Understanding with INTERPOL will enable us to further develop our cooperation in combating serious cross-border crime. Eurojust has a number of agreements with States and organisations outside the European Union, and combining forces with the world’s largest international police organisation, with 190 member countries, will augment our ability to bring to justice those at the heart of international crime.”

Mr Noble added: “This Memorandum of Understanding with Eurojust is an important step in the development of police and judicial cooperation and will enable INTERPOL to provide even greater assistance to law enforcement on the ground, in Europe and beyond. Judicial support is essential for frontline police to effectively carry out their duties, and this Memorandum of Understanding will also bring a better understanding of INTERPOL’s role and activities beyond the exchanging of police information.”

For more information, please contact:

Mr Joannes THUY, Spokesperson - Head of Press & PR Service

EUROJUST - Maanweg 174, 2516 AB, The Hague, the Netherlands

Tel +31 70 412 5508
