Litouws voorzitterschap ontvangt deze week het EP, het Comité van de Regio's en een Europees-Latijns Amerikaanse Parlementaire Assemblee (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 13 juli 2013.

Next week, two European Parliament committee delegations will visit Vilnius, Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly will be held at the Parliament, and meeting of Natural Resources Commission of the Committee of the Regions will take place in Kaunas.

15-17 July, Lithuania will have a visit and a meeting with European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. On Tuesday, Committee representatives will meet with the President Dalia Grybauskaitė i, Transport Minister Rimantas Sinkevičius and Minister of Economy Evaldas Gustas. EP i members will also interact with industry organizations, science and technology representatives, attend opening of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly and talk with the Parliament members.

On Wednesday morning, the delegation will have a meeting with Energy Minister Jaroslav Neverovič, and Minister of Education and Science Dainius Pavalkis.

On the same day, a two-day visit of the members of the EP Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) will commence. MEPs will meet with senior officials in Lithuania and discuss joint work on justice affairs during the Lithuanian Presidency i of the EU Council.

On Wednesday, the delegation will visit the Presidential Palace, where a meeting with the President Dalia Grybauskaitė is arranged. On the same day, the JURI Committee members will meet with Justice Minister Juozas Bernatonis, and Minister of Culture Šarūnas Birutis. Also, members of the delegation are meeting representatives of the Finance Ministry, the Social Security and Labour Ministry, the European Law Department, the State Patent Office and the European Institute for Gender Equality. Guests will visit the Parliament, where there will be discussions with representatives of the Committee of Legal Affairs, the Committee on European Affairs, Committee on Human Rights and the Committee on Education, Science and Culture.

On Thursday, members of the delegation will meet with the Minister of Economy Evaldas Gustas; discuss different issues with representatives of the lawyers.

On 16-18 July, for the first time in Lithuania, the European Union-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly will be held. MEPs and MPs from Latin American countries - a total of 120 participants from 50 countries -together will discuss migration, fight against corruption and drugs, education, and other relevant topics of public interest. Issues concerning Lithuania's Presidency of the EU Council will also be discussed with the Education Minister Dainius Pavalkis and the Vice Minister of Enviroment Daiva Matonienė.

The official opening of the event will be held on Tuesday, July 16 at 15:00. The place of venue is the Plenary Hall of the Parliament. The participants will be addressed by the Chairman of the Parliament Vydas Gedvilas, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius and others. This meeting will be broadcasted live on the Parliament website.

Kaunas next week will receive visitors from the European Union Committee of the Regions. On 18-19 July, in Kaunas the meeting of the Natural Resources Commission of the Committee will focus on elaboration of agenda concerning the regional development, rural and agricultural, and fisheries policies.

The event organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Committee of the Regions, Kaunas Municipality and the Lithuanian Association of Local Authorities will be arranged with participation of the Kaunas Mayor Andrius Kupčinskas, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mindaugas Kuklierius, and Mr. René Souchonthe, the Chairman of the Commission of Natural Resources.

In parallel with the Commission Meeting, the Committee of the Regions in Kaunas will host a seminar "Challenges Facing the Local and Regional Authorities of the new Member States in the Areas of Rural Development Policy in the New Financial Perspective."

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Next week's visits to Lithuania: EP, Committee of the Regions, the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly

13 July 2013 Last updated at 15:46 EEST

Next week, two European Parliament committee delegations will visit Vilnius, Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly will be held at the Parliament, and meeting of Natural Resources Commission of the Committee of the Regions will take place in Kaunas.

15-17 July, Lithuania will have a visit and a meeting with European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. On Tuesday, Committee representatives will meet with the President Dalia Grybauskaitė, Transport Minister Rimantas Sinkevičius and Minister of Economy Evaldas Gustas. EP members will also interact with industry organizations, science and technology representatives, attend opening of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly and talk with the Parliament members.

On Wednesday morning, the delegation will have a meeting with Energy Minister Jaroslav Neverovič, and Minister of Education and Science Dainius Pavalkis.

On the same day, a two-day visit of the members of the EP Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) will commence. MEPs will meet with senior officials in Lithuania and discuss joint work on justice affairs during the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council.

On Wednesday, the delegation will visit the Presidential Palace, where a meeting with the President Dalia Grybauskaitė is arranged. On the same day, the JURI Committee members will meet with Justice Minister Juozas Bernatonis, and Minister of Culture Šarūnas Birutis. Also, members of the delegation are meeting representatives of the Finance Ministry, the Social Security and Labour Ministry, the European Law Department, the State Patent Office and the European Institute for Gender Equality. Guests will visit the Parliament, where there will be discussions with representatives of the Committee of Legal Affairs, the Committee on European Affairs, Committee on Human Rights and the Committee on Education, Science and Culture.

On Thursday, members of the delegation will meet with the Minister of Economy Evaldas Gustas; discuss different issues with representatives of the lawyers.

On 16-18 July, for the first time in Lithuania, the European Union-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly will be held. MEPs and MPs from Latin American countries - a total of 120 participants from 50 countries -together will discuss migration, fight against corruption and drugs, education, and other relevant topics of public interest. Issues concerning Lithuania's Presidency of the EU Council will also be discussed with the Education Minister Dainius Pavalkis and the Vice Minister of Enviroment Daiva Matonienė.

The official opening of the event will be held on Tuesday, July 16 at 15:00. The place of venue is the Plenary Hall of the Parliament. The participants will be addressed by the Chairman of the Parliament Vydas Gedvilas, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius and others. This meeting will be broadcasted live on the Parliament website.

Kaunas next week will receive visitors from the European Union Committee of the Regions. On 18-19 July, in Kaunas the meeting of the Natural Resources Commission of the Committee will focus on elaboration of agenda concerning the regional development, rural and agricultural, and fisheries policies.

The event organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Committee of the Regions, Kaunas Municipality and the Lithuanian Association of Local Authorities will be arranged with participation of the Kaunas Mayor Andrius Kupčinskas, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mindaugas Kuklierius, and Mr. René Souchonthe, the Chairman of the Commission of Natural Resources.

In parallel with the Commission Meeting, the Committee of the Regions in Kaunas will host a seminar "Challenges Facing the Local and Regional Authorities of the new Member States in the Areas of Rural Development Policy in the New Financial Perspective."

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