Kunstwerken in Tsjechië vanwege actief ouder worden en senioren (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 10 oktober 2012.

To commemorate the International Day of Older Persons on October 1, and within its programme of activities to support the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, Diaconia ECCB has installed a series of senior-related artifacts across the Czech Republic to denounce a potential neglect of elderly people in our society.

From October 1st and for several weeks, more than 62 thematic installations will be displayed in municipal and regional offices, schools, hospitals and other public spaces around the country.

An empty handbag and a wallet with a few cents, an abandoned walking stick, a pair of broken glasses on the floor, etc, are some of the elements shown in these installations, which intend to highlight the fact that nowadays seniors are many times noticed only when something bitter happens to them, such as an accident or a crime.

"People over 55 seem not to exist. You can hardly see them in the media except as victims of accidents or fraud. On the contrary, old age is more worth than we think“, say the promoters of this initiative, part of the yearlong “Open to Seniors” campaign run by Diaconia ECCB under the auspices of the Government Human Rights Commissioner, Monika Simunkova.

The visitors of more than 62 public institutions nationwide will discover alarming questions with the help of these unconventional installations and try to find their own answers there. One of the installations will be displayed in the Czech Parliament.