Studie naar aanbestedingen en cohesiebeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Regionaal beleid en Stadsontwikkeling (REGIO) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 20 september 2012.

The Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament published recently a study entitled 'Public Procurement and Cohesion Policy'.

This study explores the connection between two major areas of public interest: Public Procurement and Cohesion Policy, starting with an explanation of how and where procurement is applied in the context of Cohesion Policy, then analysing the current situation in the EU i, the transposition of procurement regulations into national law and the ongoing reform of the legal framework. The significance of procurement in the EU Cohesion Policy is the main focus of the study. Examples of representative practical experience are used to complement the information gained by desk research. A series of interviews with practitioners in Cohesion Policy has facilitated the development of a number of recommendations of the study.

The study is available on line in English, translations will be available in French and German.