Deense minister van Justitie wil EU-defensie tegen computercriminaliteit versterken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 7 juni 2012.

The Danish Minister for Justice and Chair of the Justice and Home Affairs Council, Morten Bødskov, aims to strengthen EU’s efforts to combat cybercrime. Therefore, the Danish minister has placed this issue at the very top of the agenda when the European Ministers for Home Affairs meet at the Council meeting in Luxembourg. The Minister for Justice also aims to ensure new and simplified rules in commercial matters and in the area of successions.

On 7-8 June 2012 a Council meeting on Justice and Home Affairs is held in Luxembourg. The Interior Ministers of the Member States meet to discuss current activities in the area of Justice and Home Affairs. EU-Justice Commissioner, VP Viviane Reding i, and Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström i, will also take part in the meeting.

The Danish Minister for Justice, Morten Bødskov, chairs the JHA Council (Justice and Home Affairs) and will be presenting the following issues:

  • The establishment of a new European Cybercrime Centre. The Presidency expects to achieve full support of the EU Ministers for Justice and Home affairs to gather all efforts to strengthen the fight against cybercrime.
  • The establishment of a new Global Alliance against Child Sexual Abuse Online. The Presidency expects the Council to commit to a new international forum which aims at strengthening the Global fight against the spread of child pornography.
  • Strengthening efforts to tackle itinerant Criminal Groups. The Presidency suggests to enhance the role of Europol to ensure a coherent and systematic approach to the fight against mobile criminal groups within Europe.
  • Strengthening the Schengen cooperation. The Presidency seeks the Council’s approval of the so called ”Schengen Governance package” including new measures on border control and measures to ensure better control of the Member States’ application of the Schengen acquis.
  • New and simplified rules in commercial relations and in the area of successions. The European Ministers of Justice are expected to adopt new legislation which seeks to eliminate legal constraints in thousands of crossborder succession cases across Europe. The Presidency also seeks to reach an agreement on a new legislative proposal, which aims to address the challenges and obstacles that meet European citizens and companies when doing business in other Member States.
  • Protection of fundamental rights in criminal proceedings. The Presidency seeks to reach an agreement in the Council on a new legislative proposal which will provide a common EU-standard on the right to access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and on the right to communicate upon arrest.

Justitsminister Morten Bødskov udtaler:

”I believe that the challenges that the EU is currently facing cannot be met without a strong cooperation between the Member States. The Union must work together to find solutions to overcome the financial crisis and the fight against terrorism can only be successful if we gather our efforts. We also need a strong and common approach to overcome the pressure from illegal migration and asylum seekers on the EU’s external borders.

The Ministers for Justice and Home affairs will meet today for the last time during the Danish Presidency. Over the past 5 months, the Presidency has tried to take concrete action to tackle the current problems in the EU. This hands-on approach is also reflected in today’s agenda which includes the issues which require immediate and concrete action.

By its very nature, cybercrime is transnational and cannot be tackled by using traditional investigative measures. The same is true for the type of crossborder criminal activity which is carried out by mobile criminal groups. It’s important that the EU is supporting the work of the national police forces to ensure a common European defense in this area. I sincerely hope that my colleagues in the Council can agree to strengthen our efforts to combat transnational crime.

I’m also happy that Schengen cooperation will once again be at the top of the agenda of meeting. Improving the cooperation within the Schengen area has been of the priorities of the Danish Presidency and has received much attention. Our consistent goal has been to strengthen the Schengen system as one of the cornerstones of the EU cooperation.

Finally, as chairman of the JHA Council, I have worked very hard to ensure that rules which govern the life of European citizens and businesses are simple and transparent. I hope that the Council will adopt new legislation on succession and will reach a political agreement on new rules regarding commercial cases. This will inevitably ease the everyday life for European citizens and companies when doing business in other Member States.”

A press conference will be held at 18:00 on Thursday and at 12:30 Friday.


Press: Peter Goll, Ministry of Justice

Tel: +45 22 14 66 44, email:

Agenda: Lasse Boje, Ministry of Justice

Tel: +45 40 16 99 17, email:


Denmark holds the Presidency of The Council of The European Union during the first six months of 2012. The Council is made up of 10 Council configurations dealing with different thematic areas. The Minister for Justice is President of the Justice and Home Affairs Council.

The general purpose of the JHA Council is to ensure that the EU remains an “area with freedom, security and justice” and the Council deals with cooperation on border control, immigration, asylum, civil protection, civil law and police and criminal law matters.

The JHA Council convenes three times during each Presidency and the meeting on 7.-8. June 2012 is the last Council Meeting under the Danish Presidency. The Danish Presidency hosted an Informal JHA Ministerial Meeting on 26-27 January 2012 in Copenhagen.