Ministers stemmen in met initiatief voor steun aan culturele en creatieve sectoren (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 10 mei 2012.

Minister for Culture Uffe Elbæk at today's meeting in the Council (Culture and Sports)

Photo: Council of the European Union

Today in Brussels a majority of EU i Ministers responsible for culture, audiovisual and sport gave support to a Presidency text on the Commission proposal for a new support programme on “Creative Europe” for 2014-2020 targeted cultural and creative sectors.

Minister for Culture, Mr Uffe Elbæk, chaired today’s Council meeting. In addition to the proposal on Creative Europe, the Ministers also discussed the Commission proposal on the support programme on ”Europe for Citizens” for 2014-2020 aiming at bringing Europe closer to its citizens. A partial general approach was reached on the text of the two programmes leaving aside the budgetary parts and the proposed new loan guarantee facility for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Creative Europe programme.

Ministers equally agreed on Council conclusions on digitisation and on-line accessibility of cultural heritage. Furthermore, the Council adopted conclusions on combating doping in recreational sport. The conclusions encourage Member States to increase their co-operation and awareness-raising actions in the context of the fight against doping in recreational sport.

Minister for Culture, Mr Uffe Elbæk states:

"We had a very good and inspiring debate on the proposal on Creative Europe, which has a two-fold aim of promoting cultural and linguistic diversity in Europe and strengthening the cultural and creative sectors’ competitiveness. During the debate, we focused in particular on the proposed loan guarantee facility. I am confident that with the Council’s position and the discussions today we have paved the way for further discussions on the programme proposal. I was very pleased to note a wide interest among Ministers to discuss further action in the fight against doping.”

Further information

Deputy Permanent Secretary, Jesper Hermansen, Kulturministeriet, tlf.: + 45 33 92 35 18

Chief Press Officer, Astrid Haug, Kulturministeriet, tlf. + 45 25 47 21 07