Lezing: uitdagingen voor de toekomst van de EU

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 20 april 2012.

President of the European Commission José Manuel Barosso and Denmark's Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt i guest the University of Copenhagen on 23 April as a part of the leacture series organised by the Danish EU Presidency.

Photo: European Union/Steen Brogaard

How can we trigger European economic growth? What divides and what unifies? What reforms are needed? And are the member states willing to make the necessary changes to move forward as a union? These questions are up for debate when President of the European Commission José Maunel Barroso Danish PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt lecture at Copenhagen University.

EU is confronted with some of the greatest challenges ever and all over Europe it is debated what should and can be done face these challenges. The Danish EU Presidency wishes to further this debate and invites the public to join when President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso i and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt take stock of the state and future of the EU on 23 April, 14.00 at Copenhagen University.

The two politicians will give their view on the topic after a short introduction from assistant professor at the Centre of European Politics Rebecca Adler-Nissen. After the speeches the floor will be open for questions and debate with the audience.

Lecture series on the EU

The lecture is the third in a series that highlights some of the challenges facing Europe today. Behind the initiative are the Danish EU Presidency, the European Commission and Aarhus and Copenhagen University where the lectures are held. Each lecture has a theme that prominent EU politicians will address before the audience is invited to participate in the debate.

The lecture will be livestreamed on the Presidency website and for those who are unable to attend the lecture a full length video can be found on eu2012.dk's online university afterwards. The online university is also the place to keep yourself updated on upcoming lectures in the series.


  • Welcome by Ralf Hemmingsen, Rector at the University of Copenhagen
  • Asisstant Professor Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
  • José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
  • Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister of Denmark
  • Debate with the audience

Moderator: Michael Jarlner, International Editor, Politiken

Speeches and debate will be conducted in English.

Time: 23 April 14-15 (doors open at 13.00 and close at 13.40)

The event is free, but registration is necessary. The event is open to the press.


Astrid Gufler, University of Copenhagen

Tel: +45 28 75 47 84, email: asg@adm.ku.dk

Rina Valeur Rasmussen, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Tel: +45 33 92 09 24, email: rinras@um.dk