Colleges over Europese welvaartsstaat tijdens economische crisis (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 maart 2012.

Can the Euro survive the economic turmoil in Greece, Spain and Italy? To what extend will the richer countries accept the burden of debt? Will the European welfare state survive under the current economic conditions? And will the present crisis result in a division between the rich in the North and the poor in the South?

These are some of the issues on the agenda when Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble (Germany) and Minister for Economic Affairs and the Interior Margrethe Vestager (Denmark) discuss the current state of European welfare in relation to the weakened European economies at University of Copenhagen, 29 March at 19-20.30.

Professor David Dreyer Lassen will give a short introduction to the European economies. The speeches are followed by a debate with the audience.

Lecture series on the EU

The lecture is the second in a series that highlights some of the challenges facing Europe today. Behind the initiative are the Danish EU Presidency, the European Commission and Aarhus and Copenhagen University where the lectures are held. Each lecture has a theme that prominent EU politicians will address before the audience is invited to participate in the debate.

For those who are unable to attend the lecture a full length video stream can be found on's online university. The online University is also where you can keep yourself updated on upcoming lectures in the series:

Program 29.03.12

  • • 
    Welcome by Ralf Hemmingsen, Rector of the University of Copenhagen
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    David Dreyer Lassen, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
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    Margrethe Vestager, Denmark's Minister for Economic Affairs and the Interior
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    Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany's Minister of Finance
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    Debate with the audience

Moderator: Michael Jarlner, International Editor, Politiken

Speeches and debate will be conducted in English.

Doors open at 18.00 and closes at 18.45 and sandwiches will be served to the participants during this time.

The event is open to press and will be followed by a doorstep 20.30-20.45.


Astrid Gufler, University of Copenhagen, Tel: +45 28 75 47 84, email:

Rina Valeur Rasmussen, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Tel: +45 33 92 09 24, email: