Bellen binnen EU vanaf juli 2012 goedkoper (en)
Today the Danish EU i Presidency has finalised an agree-ment on roaming in the EU. The new agreement ensures, that mobile prices on telephony, sms and internet now drops significantly in the EU. Minister of Business and Growth, Ole Sohn, considers the agreement as one of the major results of the Danish Presidency.
Since January 1st 2012 Denmark, as the Presidency of the EU, has led intense negotiations between the Council and with the European Parliament on a new regulation on prices for the use of voice, sms and data when travelling within the Union.
The current regulation expires on July 1st this year and it was therefore the final chance to reach a political agreement, which will ensure continued protection of the consumers against high roaming prices until 2017. A political agreement has now been achieved.
The Minister for Business and Growth, Ole Sohn says:
”I am happy to pronounce that we have reached an agreement, which will guarantee significantly lower prices for consumers and at the same time real competition in the longer run.
With the new roaming agreement the price of data roaming will drop from approximately 2.50 Euro per MB to less than 0.90 Euro per MB in 2012 including VAT. In 2014 the maximum price per MB will be 0.25 Euro.
This agreement has been a high priority for the Danish Presidency, as it guarantees both the consumers and the industry protection against very high prices for the use of mobile internet and thereby the opportunities to create growth across borders in the Single Market."
With the new regulation, the already existing price caps on voice and sms are reduced and as something new a price cap on the use of data on e.g. mobile phones and tablets is introduced.
As a result, the price per megabyte will be 0.90 Euro as of July 1st 2012 compared to the average price of 2.50 Euro which a Danish consumer currently pays. Furthermore it will be possible to buy a separate subscription for roaming without changing your mobile number. In the longer run, this will contribute to the creation of real competition in the European market for mobile services.
The political agreement is subject to approval by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. The regulation is expected to enter into force 30th June 2012.