Tweede ronde onderhandelingen over financieel kader 2014-2020 van start (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op zondag 25 maart 2012.

Negotiations on the EU budget - the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 - are progressing well. After a discussion of the overall budget level and main priorities of member states in January, the Danish Presidency intends to launch a discussion on a number of budget categories in preparation of a draft framework agreement (“negotiating box”) which will be the basis for a final agreement in the second half of 2012. At the Council meeting the Danish Presidency intends to discuss research and development, justice and home affairs, the EU external policies and administration.

The Minister for European Affairs states: "The EU budget is about creating growth and jobs in Europe and it is one of the most important issues of the Danish Presidency. We have embarked on negotiations which are progressing as planned. I expect a fruitful discussion focused on several key areas of the EU budget, including research and development, justice and home affairs, and external policies."

In addition, the Ministers for European and Foreign Affairs will discuss the outcome of the most recent European Council meeting, which took place on March 1-2. The discussion will focus on economic issues with special attention being paid to the European Semester as well as the implementation of several growth enhancing initiatives, line with the two-track approach that focuses on fiscal discipline as well as growth and employment.

Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen, will be chairing the second round of negotiations on the multiannual budget of the EU in the General Affairs Council on Monday 26 March.