Conferentie over de nieuwe EU-begroting na 2013 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 21 maart 2012.

The future scope and impact of EU i policies will largely depend on the shape of the next MFF, which is now under discussion, on the basis of the European Commission's proposals submitted in June last year. The aim of this conference is to deepen the discussion between the key actors of the European institutions.

The European Parliament, the Danish Presidency of the Council, and the European Commission have decided to invite representatives of National Parliaments, the Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, and the Court of Auditors i to exchange views on different aspects of the EU Budget: Resources and Expenditure. The entire conference will be live-streamed to allow for all interested parties to follow the debates.

The conference will start on Thursday morning at 9.30 with an opening session where Martin Schulz i President of the European Parliament, Helle Thorning-Schmidt i President of the Council, and José Manuel Barroso i President of the European Commission will share their views on the future of the MFF and Own Resources.

Thereafter, the first working session will discuss the revenue side, and the second session the expenditure side of the EU Budget. The conference will conclude in the late afternoon with closing statement by Nicolai Wammen Minister for European Affairs.

"We must listen to the many different positions regarding the EU budget. The Conference is a good opportunity for all parties to be heard. Thereby we ensure a good basis for the upcoming negotiations among Member States," says Nicolai Wammen Minister for European Affairs.


More info about the conference can be found at the European Commission's conference website or at

Journalists can register on the spot starting at 9.00 a.m.

Those accredited with the European Parliament are requested to show their accreditation. Other journalists are requested to present their national press accreditation or mission letter of their editor-in-chief.

Time and Venue: 22 March, 2012 at the European Parliament, Brussels.