Europese Commissie wil actieve rol voor jeugd in maatschappij (en)
Christine Antorini, Danish Minister for Children and Education, and Androulla Vassiliou i, Commissioner for Education and Youth, will both be attending the conference
Photo: Council of the European Union
Young people are our future. That is why their active citizenship is on the agenda at a major EU youth conference in Denmark 18 - 21 March 2012.
It is crucial to foster young people’s creativity, ability to innovate and talent. This is the message when more than 200 participants from 27 EU member states and others meet to debate how the EU can increase and improve young people’s participation in society. Over three days and through seven different workshops, focus will among other things be on motivation, support mechanisms, the media and voting age. The topics chosen have great influence on young people’s lives and are therefore highly relevant to include when the aim is to enhance their active participation.
The overall theme of active participation has been chosen in close cooperation with Poland and Cyprus, fellow members of the present Trio Presidency which Denmark at present is chairing. The conference participants are expected to adopt a set of Joint Recommendations to the political system in all Europe on how young people’s creativity and talent can increase their active participation and also improve their chances on the labour market.
“Denmark and several other Nordic countries are in top five with regard to pupils’ knowledge and skills within politics, democracy and social affairs. Democratic participation in society is not only a subject taught in schools - it’s competencies that Danish children and young people use in and out of school. This conference can give Denmark and other countries good examples on how to perform active citizenship,” says Christine Antorini, Danish Minister for Children and Education.
Especially the inclusion of young people is seen as a vital focus area by Signe Bo, chairman of The Danish Youth Council. “We are looking forward to the conference where focus is on how to foster young people’s participation in society and in democratic processes - in Denmark and in the rest of Europe. If we are going to secure a stable democracy it is vital to nurse it all the time. The conference will contribute to this process,” says Signe Bo.
At the official opening of the youth conference on 19 March 2012 at 4:00-5:30 p.m., the Danish Minister for Children and Education, Christine Antorini, EU-Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, and President of European Youth Forum, Peter Matjasic, will participate. Also Signe Bo from The Danish Youth Council will speak at the conference.
In order to ensure the greatest benefit of the joint discussions, each member state participates with government officials engaged in the field of youth and three specially appointed youth representatives with extensive experience from various youth organisations and in the work of engaging their peers.
The Minister for Children and Education states that it is necessary that the young people take on responsibility by participating actively in society. “It is vital that we listen to and include young people in order to provide good conditions for young people’s participation and engagement,” says Christine Antorini.
The youth conference is held at Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Science Centre in the historic town of Sorø and is arranged by The Ministry of Children and Education in cooperation with The National Youth Council in Denmark, The European Youth Forum and The European Commission. It is part of the Structured Dialogue which will ensure a closer dialogue between the European Commission and the young people.
Contact information
Jens Thuesen,, tel. +45 3392 5669
Charlotte Romlund Hansen,, tel. +45 3395 5672
Mette Klingsey Møller, Public Relations Officer,, tel. +45 3392 7867, mobile +45 2532 3478
DUF - The Danish Youth Council
Alexander Tolstrup, Head of Communication
Mob.: +45 60 20 14 14