Deense minister van Buitenlandse Zaken organiseert een conferentie over de EU als wereldwijde crisismanagement speler

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 februari 2012.

Today, the Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs is hosting a conference in Brussels on EU as an actor in global crisis management

Speaking today, the Minister, Villy Søvndal, states: "The EU has a unique toolbox and has got the potential to play a central role as a global crisis management actor. We can launch political, military, and development aid instruments before, during, and after a crisis. The question is whether we achieve enough from our efforts?"

The conference ”Ensuring a Comprehensive EU Approach to Crises” has been organised by the European Council on Foreign Relations and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in close coordination with the European External Action Service. The purpose of the conference is to focus on the need for better integration and coordination of the EU’s external crisis management tools. Panellists, including High Representative Catherine Ashton i, high-ranking officials from EU institutions, and special EU envoys to Afghanistan and Bosnia-Herzegovina, will contribute with their views on challenges and opportunities both from a Brussels based point of view and in the field, together with other international actors in crisis management. The outcome of the conference will be a number of recommendations to decision-makers and experts.

"There has been much progress in the EU’s crisis management efforts. But we can still do better. The difficult economic situation in Europe right now demands that we create innovative solutions and seek to use the available resources most effectively. In a crisis management context it means that we should integrate our broad-spectrum efforts better in order to achieve maximum effect. We also have to look at the EU’s and the member states’ efforts in conflict areas. Luckily, we have an impressive collection of experts gathered for the conference. I am looking forward to hearing their suggestions on how to take this issue forward", the Minister for Foreign Affairs says.