Deense minister op bezoek in Servië en Montenegro (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 21 februari 2012.

Press conference with Danish Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen, and the Serbian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vuk Jeremic.

During a two-day visit Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen, discussed EU enlargement with the Governments of Serbia and Montenegro.

Today the Danish Minister for European Affairs, Mr.Nicolai Wammen, completed an official two-day visit to Serbia and Montenegro. During the visit Minister Wammen held talks with senior members of Government regarding the future prospects of both countries' EU integration process. The visit took place as a prelude to the upcoming negotiations on EU enlargement in the Council of Ministers on 28 February, where the Council will discuss the issue of granting candidate status to Serbia. The Council’s decision on the matter will be put before the European Council on March 1-2, where a formal decision will be taken.

Serbia - During his visit 20 February, Mr. Wammen met among others Serbia’s President, Mr Boris Tadic, and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Vuk Jeremic, as well the chief negotiator in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Mr Borislav Stefanovic. The purpose of the visit was to discuss Serbia’s EU integration process and to encourage Serbia to continue its constructive engagement in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue process in preparation of the meeting of the Council (General Affairs), which will convene on February 28th to discuss the issue of granting candidate status to Serbia.

After the meetings in Belgrade, the Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen, says:

"My meetings in Belgrade have shown Serbia’s strong commitment both to the EU integration process and to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue process. Serbia has over the past year made considerable progress towards fulfilling the political criteria and has reached a fully satisfactory level in its cooperation with ICTY. Serbia has also engaged constructively in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. In the coming days, a new dialogue meeting will take place. I hope that enough progress can be made in order for the Council to be able to reach a positive decision on candidate status next week.”

Montenegro - During today’s visit, Mr. Wammen met Montenegro's Prime Minister, Igor Luksic, and Foreign Minister, Milan Rocen, as well the chief EU negotiator, Aleksandar Pejovic, to discuss the process leading up to June, where it is foreseen that EU will open accession negotiations with Montenegro.

After today’s meetings in Podgorica, the Minister for European Affairs, Nicolai Wammen, says:

"My meetings in Podgorica have clearly shown Montenegro’s strong commitment to the EU integration process. In a relatively short period of time, several important reforms, particularly concerning rule of law and fundamental rights have been carried out. It is the aim of the Danish Presidency to open accession negotiations with Montenegro by June as foreseen by the European Council last December - provided that Montenegro delivers what is required particularly concerning corruption and organised crime.”

The next step in Montenegro's path towards EU membership is a report from the European Commission in spring 2012, which will examine in detail the progress achieved by Montenegro.