Deens voorzitterschap roept hulp EU in bij voorkoming humanitaire ramp in Sahel-regio (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 februari 2012.

The Danish Presidency calls on the EU and its Member States to increase humanitarian and development funding to avoid a severe food security crisis in the Sahel-region. We cannot accept famines and large-scale nutrition emergencies in the 21st century.

On 9 February, the Danish minister for Development Cooperation, Mr. Christian Friis Bach, will present the Danish humanitarian priorities to the Development Committee in the European Parliament.

According to the UN and the European Commission, approximately 11.7 million people are at risk of not being able to feed themselves and their families in the Sahel-region (Niger, Mauritania, Chad, Mali and Burkina Faso). A serious food security crisis and children exposed to severe malnutrition can become a reality in the Sahel-region unless the international community and local authorities react. Poor harvest, crop deficits and lack of remittances from the migrant workers in Libya and Ivory Coast have seriously aggravated the problem of food security in the Sahel. Prices on food have increased dramatically leaving vulnerable groups without access to food.

Danish minister for Development Cooperation, Mr. Christian Friis Bach:

“We know the food crisis will hit children and vulnerable groups in a few months in the Sahel-region. We cannot wait until CNN arrives. We have to react now to mitigate the humanitarian consequences of the food crisis for the most vulnerable groups. Therefore, the Danish Presidency and the Commission organized a High-Level meeting on February the 8th in Brussels to raise international awareness on the looming food security crisis”.

It is also a key priority for the Danish Presidency to avoid humanitarian crises caused by natural hazards in the future by bridging the gap between humanitarian aid and development assistance. The international community needs to learn from previous experiences in the Horn of Africa, and more flexible funding and investments in resilience and preparedness is needed.

Danish minister for Development Cooperation, Mr. Christian Friis Bach:

“Investing more in disaster risk reduction and preparedness is not just a good idea. It is crucial and a very good investment. Studies show that 1 Euro spent for preparedness will save up to 5 to 7 Euros for relief efforts at a later stage. We cannot accept seeing famines in the 21st century. During the Danish Presidency, I will therefore work with the European External Action Services, the Commission, the European Parliament and EU Member States to address the root causes of humanitarian crises caused by natural hazards”.


Jakob Haugaard, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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