Deens voorzitterschap wil kennis over Europese Unie vergroten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 5 januari 2012.

The Danish Government has made teaching material on a number of themes high on the agenda during the Danish Presidency.

The Danish EU Presidency in the first semester of 2012 is a good opportunity to focus on the European Union in schools. Therefore the Danish government has made on line, interactive teaching material on a number of themes that will be high on the agenda during the Danish Presidency.

The training material consists of background texts with questions for discussion and fact boxes as well as quiz and movies for each of the following five themes:

The material is developed in cooperation with the EU Information of the Danish Parliament and primarily targeted at high schools, but can also be used by secondary schools, adult education centres, colleges etc.

The material is freely available in Danish and English on the Presidency website and various educational sites.

For further information contact:

Rina Valeur Rasmussen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tel: 25 28 37 99 /