Denemarken zet in op cultuur tijdens voorzitterschap EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 21 december 2011.

During the Danish Presidency a long list of events have been planned that will show a creative, innovative and visionary side of Denmark also within the field of culture.

Culture promotion in Europe

Danish cinema continues to assert itself on film festivals around the world, most recently at the Festival in Berlin where several awards were received.

The Danish Film Institute is ensuring that Danish films will be screened throughout the EU member states at special exhibitions, festivals etc. during the coming six months. Other art forms will be brought into play as well, including visual arts, design, craft and jazz music.

This will be the most comprehensive Danish art campaign ever launched in Europe.

Danish music at the official handover

Other than including all EU-member states art will also play a special role in the official handover ceremonies.

At the opening ceremony in the ‘Koncerthuset’ in Copenhagen on the 11th of January 2011, attended by the European Commission and President Barroso, the Danish National Symphony Orchestra and the Danish National Girls Choir will be in concert. During a ceremony in the Concert Hall Flagey in Brussels on the 26th of January 2011 the ‘DR Big Band’ will provide the musical entertainment.

Before Christmas several events will seek to communicate information on the planned activities to members of the press in order to reach out to broader groups of people.

You will be able to keep yourself updated on current cultural activities by entering the cultural calendar on which will be updated on a continuous basis.

For more information, please contact:

Uffe Andreasen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Tel: +45 33 92 07 04, email: