Deens voorzitterschap: Meer crises op het zelfde moment aanpakken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 20 december 2011.

The answer to the current crises is a coordinated and interlinked approach addressing both the financial and the climate and resource crisis at one and the same time.

That was the message from The Danish Minister for the Environment Mrs. Ida Auken and the Minister for Climate, Energy and Building Mr. Martin Lidegaard who met the Brussels press corps Monday the 19 December.

“If we want to put the finances on a sustainable track we need to develop a new green approach. We need to use green technologies and sustainable innovation to boost the economy. If we can get more out of less we have found the key to the green economy of the future,” Mrs. Ida Auken said.

"Right now we are in the midst of a threefold crisis. A financial crisis, a resource crisis, and a climate crisis. At the same time commodity prices are heading through the roof. These challenges are deeply intertwined. We believe part of the answer is to ensure investment in energy efficiency and green growth. Every euro spent on energy efficiency will go to ensuring European jobs. Every euro spent on oil imports will go out of Europe. This makes the green agenda one of the most important in Europes future coorporation" Mr. Martin Lidegaard said.

Setting the direction for the next 10 years

Furthermore the Minister of the Environment highlighted the work on the 7th Environmental Action Programme as an area where Denmark wants to affect the environmental work in the EU for the next 10 years.

A well prepared leadership

Furthermore Mrs. Ida Auken said that Denmark wants to exercise a well prepared leadership that promotes negotiations on the individual dossiers to the greatest possible extent among others on PIC, GMOs and sulphur content of Marine fuels.

Webcast of the press conference