Laatste bijeenkomst Raad Milieu onder Pools voorzitterschap (en)
On Monday in Brussels Minister of the Environment Marcin Korolec presided the meeting of the EU Environment Council for the last time. During the meeting, European Ministers adopted decisions related to efficient use of resources and future policy for biodiversity protection, which were among priority issues for the Polish Presidency.
During the meeting the Council adopted conclusions prepared by Poland concerning “EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020”. The document results in achievement of objectives for biodiversity protection policy in Europe:protect species and habitats, maintain and restore ecosystems, anchor biodiversity goals in other EU policies (the so-called sectoral integration), combat invasive alien species, step up the EU's contribution to averting global biodiversity loss.
‘The conclusions also stress the urgent need to reverse the continuing trends of biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystems in the EU to 2020’, said Minister Marcin Korolec. ‘In order to do so, we have to undertake common actions, build partnerships, include other sectors to strengthen biodiversity protection and apply necessary measures’, he added.
The Presidency has also led to adoption of “Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe”. The document is one of the elements of the EU preparations to the economic transformation towards more sustainable and competitive economy and transfer to greener economy.
One of the meeting agenda points was also a discussion on results of the most important event taking place during the Polish Presidency regarding the environment, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban (COP17) which ended with an adoption of package of arrangements leading to new global climate agreement.
This in the first step to obligate all the Parties to the UN Climate Change Convention to adopt legally binding obligations within the new agreement.The EU declared an adoption of the second settlement period for Kyoto Protocol i.Minister Korolec expressed his satisfaction with the fact that a division resulting from Kyoto Protocol into developed countries (having obligations to reduce greenhouse gases emissions) and developing countries (without any legally binding obligations) would disappear. This means that Europe will not be alone in its actions towards climate protection.
Moreover, during the Council meeting the Ministers were shown reports related to progress of works on three legislative proposals:a regulation concerning the export and import of hazardous chemicals, a directive on the sulphur content of marine fuels and a directive on control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances.
data publikacji: 20-12-2011