Versoepeling visumverplichtingen Armenië en Azerbeidzjan worden besproken (en)
On 19 December, the EU Council approved a mandate for the Commission to lead negotiations with Armenia and Azerbaijan on visa facilitation and readmission agreements.
In the coming months talks will begin with the authorities of both countries, and after the signing of the agreements the citizens of Armenia and Azerbaijan will enjoy additional benefits when travelling to the EU: a simplified procedure for obtaining visas, reduced visa fees, free of charge visas for specific groups, such as scientists, journalists and students. A standard complement to the visa facilitation is the agreement on readmission, which includes the protection against the influx of illegal immigrants from third countries.
The declaration of the 2nd Eastern Partnership Summit in Warsaw stressed that the aim of the EU and its partner countries is to lift the visa requirements. From March 2011, among the South Caucasus countries, visa facilitation and readmission agreements are in force in the movement of people from Georgia.