Uitkomsten vergadering Onderwijs comité (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 december 2011.

Last meeting of the Education Committee under the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union was held on 8-9 December in Warsaw. It was devoted to the results of the Polish Presidency achieved in the field of education as well as the issues related to future activities planned for the first half of 2012.

The chair of the Committee Dorota Lewandowska Ph.D. presented the documents that have been elaborated and adopted by the Council of the European Union for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (28 - 29 November). She also introduced the outcomes of the conferences and events as well as presented the implementation of the priorities of the Polish Presidency (education for mobility, modernization of higher education).

During the meeting the European Commission presented the state of play in relation to the forthcoming Joint Report ET 2020, in terms of the implementation of the first cycle objectives in the field of education and training, which will constitute the base for launching the debate over the priorities of the second cycle for 2012 - 2014.

Two thematic sessions took place in the first day of the meeting. During the first session the participants got acquainted with the reforms that are being introduced in Poland in the field of VET and HE. The second session was dedicated to the new generation of the EU programmes in the field of education and training, youth and sport. The representative of the European Commission Xavier Prats Monne, the Deputy Director for Education and Culture presented the proposals for the new programme “Erasmus for All”. During the discussion the questions were raised concerning the activities addressed to pupils and adults as well as possibilities of opening the new programme for neighbouring countries in these areas. The European Commission ensured that the new programme is an adequate answer for challenges of modern times in education and training and that the deepened discussion on the proposal will be continued in the Education Committee under Danish Presidency.

During the second day of the Committee meeting two thematic sessions were organised. The first session was a starting point of works leading to the elaboration and adoption (under the forthcoming Danish Presidency) of possible benchmark on education for employability. During the second session the discussion of effective policies for the development of competencies of youth in Europe was held - on the basis of the outcomes of the international conference, organized by the Polish Presidency in November in Warsaw.

At the end of the Education Committee meeting the forthcoming Presidency (Danish Delegation) presented preliminary information on planned priorities and the work programme in the field of education in the first half of 2012.

data publikacji: 09-12-2011