EP-delegatie bezoekt Denemarken met oog op aankomende Deense voorzitterschap Raad (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 1 december 2011, 9:37.

European Parliament political group leaders, led by President Jerzy Buzek i, will meet Denmark's Queen, Prime Minister and members of the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) on Thursday and Friday to prepare for Denmark's upcoming EU presidency.

The delegation will be briefed on the presidency's priorities for the first half of 2012 and present the European Parliament's position and wishes for future cooperation.

President Jerzy Buzek says: "Denmark's presidency takes place at defining times for the EU. The EU and Eurozone i will have to contain the debt crisis and, perhaps, even to reinvent itself to prevent the repetition of such crises. The Danish presidency will also have a crucial role in preparing the agreement on the EU’s long-term budget. The European Parliament counts on good cooperation with the Danish government".

The official visit will take place at Christiansborg, seat of the Danish Parliament, where the delegation will have an audience with Her Majesty Queen Margrethe, followed by meetings with Social Democrat Prime Minister Mrs Helle Thorning-Schmidt i and other ministers and Members of Parliament. The meetings will take place on Thursday night and Friday morning.