E-Health conferentie in Warschau (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 28 november 2011.

Polish and foreign experts will discuss in Warsaw issues concerning security and quality of medical information technology.

The Conference “E-health - safety and quality of medical information and the extensive usage of telemedicine technology for the citizens of the European Union as a part of Digital Europe on e-Health” begins on 28th November 2011 in Warsaw and is organized by the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Conference participants have a chance to find out about the issues concerning security and quality of medical information technology as well as widespread usage of telemedicine for EU citizens as a part of Digital Europe.

Implementation of e-Health systems at national and European level is one of the most important factors of affectivity and sustainability of the Member States integration in terms of capacity of health systems of individual countries to support every citizen of the European Union regardless of place and time of the conduct of his treatment.

The conference aims on exchanging of experiences in common discussion as well as to learn about safety issues and data quality in e-Health and telemedicine applications.

In order to complete this task there will be a participation of the institutional representatives of international and Polish as well as presentations of programs and projects.

Provided lectures will cover the following topics: „e-Health in the European Digital Agenda”, „implementation of e-Health in Poland”, „e-Health in correlation to personal data protection in the European context”, „WHO’s activities in e-Health, safety and quality issues in long-term storage of medical information”, „Is Tele-rehabilitation of patients with heart disabilities an European standard?”. Invited guests will be able to know the perspective of patients, health employees and service providers in the Polish and European standards.

During the conference parallel sessions are planed and provided for: safety aspects of projects, e-Health, telemedicine and related: problems, challenges, prospects and data quality in e-Health projects.

Conference participants will learn about selected results of epSOS project from Europe. There is also listed to present the report "Health System in Transition" and information on quality and safety standards of data from the perspective of HL7 version 3. In addition, there will be a discussion of semantic monitoring of cyberspace in aspect of illegal drugs distribution.

This conference refers to long term efforts to achieve interoperability of European e-health systems.