Europa moet koolstofarme technologieën ontwikkelen (en)
Swift and effective implementation of low-carbon technologies in the common market will contribute to the achievement of climate and energy policy objectives, and to an increase in the competitiveness of the European economy.The Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, European Commission and the National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union invite you to the conference entitled ‘Strategic Energy Technologies Plan’ (SET-Plan).The international debate will take place on 28 November 2011 at the Sheraton Hotel, ul. Prusa 2 in Warsaw.
The conference will be attended by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy Waldemar Pawlak, and President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek i, Minister of Science and Higher Education Barbara Kudrycka, Director-General of the European Commission's Energy DG Philip Lowe, as well as European energy policy makers and representatives of companies, scientific and financial institutions operating in the energy sector.
The participants of the debate, being organised as part of the Polish Presidency, will discuss the need to reduce CO2emissions in practice through the development of low-carbon technologies.
In order to accelerate the launch of innovative energy solutions, the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) has been developed in 2008. The plan specifies the areas that require financial support.It consists of seven European Industrial Initiatives proposed in the Communication from the European Commission (EC) and approved by the Council and the Parliament in 2008, including: initiatives on wind energy, solar energy, electricity grids, sustainable generation of bio-energy, CCS, sustainable nuclear fission and energy efficiency.
During the Warsaw conference, another initiative (smart cities) will be launched. The programme envisages a 40% reduction, in agreement with municipalities, of greenhouse gas emission. This can be ensured by activities such as: modernisation of buildings, electricity grids and transport systems. The group of cities (25-30 centres) which will implement the objectives will constitute the foundation of the new European energy system.
The purpose of the activities under the SET-Plan is to obtain the necessary conditions and sufficient funds for the development and marketing of low-carbon technologies. The European Commission estimates that the effective implementation of the SET-Plan will be ensured by investment projects worth EUR 8 billion per year during 10 years. The anticipated increase in capital expenditure for research in energy technologies (from EUR 3 billion to EUR 8 billion per year) can only be achieved by increasing the capital share both on the public, and the private side.
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Seven European Industrial Initiatives within the SET-Plan:
1.European Wind Initiative: accelerating the implementation of solutions to optimise generation costs, enhancing integration with the transmission grid and concentration of activities to develop of offshore wind farms.
2.Solar Europe Initiative: development of a long-term research programme for photovoltaics (PV), construction of several pilot facilities for massive generation of solar power and development of demonstration projects for the centralised and decentralised generation system.
3.European electricity grid initiative: smart management of transmission grids, effective management of the demand and supply side and better access to electricity grids for renewable energy sources.
4.Bio-energy Europe Initiative: launching of around 30 demonstration projects using sustainable generation of advanced biofuels and bioliquids and high-efficiency co-generation using biomass as fuel.
5.European CCS initiative: development and demonstration on an industrial scale of the full chain of CCS technologies (i.e. CO2capture, transport and storage) in various options.The proposed activities supporting the CCS sector are aimed at achieving full market profitability after 2020, providing that the profitability threshold for the released prices of CO2emission allowances is 30-50 EUR/tonne of CO2.
6.Sustainable nuclear fission initiative: leading to commercial distribution of Generation IV nuclear reactors after 2040.
7.Energy efficiency: increasing energy efficiency as a further (in addition to generation of clean energy) way to reduce CO2emissions.The Commission emphasises that this method is the simplest and the cheapest one.
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