Tweede debat over Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid gehouden in Polen (en)
Second debate on Common Agricultural Policy reform held at EP in Brussels on 23rd November.
This time the debate, chaired by Polish Agriculture Minister Marek Sawicki, brought together representatives of agricultural organisations and NGOs. The first debate, moderated by Paolo de Castro, President of the Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, was conducted on 7th November with politicians participating.
The meeting had the goal of airing opinions on CAP reforms beyond 2013. Recognising the need for an in-depth discussion, the Polish Presidency came up with the initiative of an open debate involving representatives of different stakeholders: politicians, agricultural organisations, NGOs, scientists and experts.
The participants emphasised that Europe needed a robust CAP with an ambitious budget. It should be a development-oriented policy, since agriculture is tasked with ensuring food security at a time of growing demand, climate change and shrinking resources.
Different positions were expressed concerning the greening of the second pillar. It is exceptionally important to protect the environment and ensure sustainable exploitation of resources, although most participants firmly rejected the idea of excluding some farmland from production. European agriculture faces the challenge of bolstering production while increased administrative duties do not facilitate the attainment of that goal.
Some participants criticised the definition of an active farmer which they regarded as imprecise. Also pressed was the demand that in its work on the new CAP the EC should adhere to a fair division of the relevant resources among all the Member States.
Opinions were also voiced that the present EC proposals concerning Areas with Natural Handicaps were excessively complicated and that the current definition of ANH was unacceptable.
Recapping the debate, Minister Sawicki expressed the hope that the mechanism of intensive cooperation between the European Parliament, the EU Council and the European Commission - launched by the Polish Presidency - would be maintained after the Polish Presidency ended.
The next debate, involving members of the scientific community, will be held in Brussels on 19th December under the chairmanship of Commissioner Dacian Ciolos i.