Europese landbouwministers spreken over visserijbeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 16 november 2011.

On 14th November, Polish Agriculture Minister Marek Sawicki chaired the Polish Presidency's fifth Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels.

The participating ministers discussed the external dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy. CFP reform has the goal of ensuring sustainable exploitation of living maritime resources while seeking good economic results, development that enhances social inclusion and greater cohesion of coastal regions. The majority of the Member States present underlined the importance of the CFP's external dimension. They highlighted the role of regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) and bilateral agreements. Furthermore, most countries supported the elaboration of legal proposals pertaining to the key aspects of the CFP's external dimension.

The ministers also addressed the question of reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. The Council session included an orientation debate on a motion concerning direct payments. The debate focused on two issues: the proposed structure of direct payments for the years 2014-2020 and the European Commission’s reaction to the demand for a more equitable division of direct payments amongst Member States as well as within the respective countries. While some Member States voiced reservations about the definition of an active farmer and certain elements of greening, there was support for the proposals regarding small farms and young farmers.

The proposals concerning direct payments, rural development, organisation of the common market and CAP financing are the four pivotal proposals which require co-decision under the ordinary procedure of decision making by the Council and European Parliament. In December, the Council is planning a debate on rural development.

Next, the ministers considered a French motion to continue food programme for the needy in the years 2012-2013. The Council noted that the blocking minority was no longer in place, hence the programme would be continued until 2013. The matter will be further discussed at the next Council in December so that the compromise attained by the Presidency can be translated into an agreement providing for continuation of the programme.

The ministers also heard a Commission’s report on the use of improved cages for laying hens. The majority of the delegations where in favour of upholding the ban on the use of cages of this type in view of the substantial expenditures incurred by many producers to adapt their farms to new requirements. However, some Member States were still lagging with the implementation of a directive that envisages replacement of the old type of cages.

During the meeting the Presidency reported on the international conference on ‘Forestry for Climate and Biodiversity’ and the 30th conference of directors of EU paying agencies.

The Presidency hosted a working lunch at which the agriculture ministers attending the event considered EC proposals on the greening of direct payments.

A meeting with Danish Agriculture Minister Mette Gjerskov, who will be taking over the chair of the AGRIFISH from Marek Sawicki, was held on the margins of the Council. The ministers used the opportunity to review the progress of current works on the respective dossiers.