Bijeenkomst Mediterrane Unie over samenwerking in de regio
The meeting is on the official list of events of the Polish Presidency of the EU Council.
Organizer: International Cultural Centre in Kraków,Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue Between Cultures
Partners:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
In October 2011 the International Cultural Centre in Kraków, as the national coordinator of the Polish network of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, will have the honour of organizinga meeting of national coordinators of the Foundation from the 43 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean and the Foundation authorities, and to host representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of these countries in the framework of a session of the Board of Governorsand meeting of Senior Officials of the UM. The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officiallyincluded the event at the ICC in the programme of the Polish Presidency.
For the first time ever Poland will host representatives of all 43 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean-Member States of the European Union,countriesof the Balkans and the southern basin of the Mediterranean Sea (from Mauretania to Turkey) - both government officials and members of the civil society.The meeting will offer a unique opportunity to make a broad presentation of the Union for the Mediterraneanand to promote cooperation between the countries of the region. It will also make it possible to demonstrate thatthe countries of the Mediterranean Seabasin - though distant geographically - are truly our neighbours and strategic partners.
The meeting will sum up the achievements of the Anna Lindh Foundation. The participants will also lay down the organization's strategy for the years2011-2014, something that is particularly important in the context of the "Arab revolutions" and the peace process in the Middle East.The ICC will also familiarize the guests from the countries ofthe Union for the Mediterranean (representatives of public institutions, NGOs, universities and research institutions, regional and central authorities) withthe achievements of Poland andPolish members of the network in the area ofdialogue between cultures.
Cultural events open to the public constitute an important component of the meeting. They include the classical music concert"Sounds of Dialogue", a theatre production titled"The Sejny Chronicles" and an international debate on "Culture for Social Change".
Friday, 21th October
19.00"Sounds of Dialogue” concert:Sinfonietta Cracovia conducted by Gabriel Chmura -the programme includes: Krzysztof Penderecki Concerto per viola ed orchestra, Andreas Koppel Toccata, Edward Freytag Cuban Concerto. Venue: National Old Theatre in Kraków, Duza Scena (Large Stage), 5 Jagiellonska St., tickets on sale from 15 October through the City Information Network in Kraków.
Saturday, 22th October
14.30Debate on "Culture for Social Change".For years, culture has been viewed as a financial burden, or, at best, an endeavourin the sphere of national identityor aesthetics. Today, attitudes to culture are being significantly redefined.Culture is not only a crucial factor in the development of the respective countries, but it also provides a powerful stimulus in building open, innovative and creative societies. Taking part in the debate will beDr Monika Smolen -Under-Secretaryof State at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, expert on European cultural policy, cultural cooperation, creative industries and regional development; Grzegorz Klaman - President of theWyspa Progress Foundation, curator, sculptor; Mohamed El Sawy - founder and director of“El Sawy” Culture Wheel, appointedEgypt's Minister of Culture after the ”Arab revolution".
Chair: Prof. Yudhishthir Raj Isar, independent specialist on cultural policy, professor at theAmerican University of Paris
16.00Presentation of theEuro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures 2011
Venue: Assembly Chamber of the Council of the City of Kraków, 3-4Plac Wszystkich Swietych, free admission.SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION (POLISH, FRENCH, ENGLISH)
17.30Theatre production of"The Sejny Chronicles”by the Osrodek Pogranicze Theatre in Sejny. Venue: National Old Theatre in Kraków, Nowa Scena (New Stage), 5 Jagiellonska St.
Media contact:
Edyta Gajewska, +4812 42 42 866; +48 781-904-727;
Permanent media patrons of the ICC: TVP Kraków, Radio Kraków, Gazeta Wyborcza, The Warsaw Voice, Karnet, Cracow-life/e-krakow, The Krakow Post,