Nieuwe EU-campagne moet mensen bewust maken van uitputting natuurlijke hulpbronnen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 14 oktober 2011.

The campaign "Generation Awake. Your choices make a world of difference"

Water, clean air, soil, metals, minerals and all animal and plant species are natural resources needed for our everyday life. However, these are not a bottomless pit! How to use them economically, how to take care of the Earth better - this is the most important message of the European information campaign - "Generation Awake. Your choices make a world of difference". On Monday, 17 October, it will be launched in Warsaw by the European Commissioner for Environment - Janez Potocnik i.

The Ministry of the Environment and the European Commission coordinate the campaign concerning the manner of improving the quality of life and increasing the competitiveness of the European economy through more effective use of natural resources and making conscious consumer choices.

The economic and, at the same time, effective use of resources is one of the priorities of the Ministry of the Environment during the ongoing Polish Presidency in the Council of the European Union. It is also the key for ensuring sustainable development of Europe. The economic and rational management of natural resources is one of the most important global challenges as regards environmental protection and the economy in the next years.

The launch event of the European campaign entitled "Generation Awake. Your choices make a world of difference" on the effective use of natural resources will be opened with a public debate with the participation of the Commissioner Potocnik and Minister Kraszewski in the building of the Warsaw University of Technology. The representatives of non-governmental organizations, business and scientific circles will express their opinions on existing and future consumption models, their impact on the quality of our life and the economy.

Apart from the debate, the organizers of the campaign have prepared numerous attractions and surprises for Warsaw inhabitants. Moreover, in the streets of Warsaw and in public transport, the experts in the field of typical consumption behaviors - Rysiek Rutyniarz (Routine Robby), Impulsywna Iza (Impuls Inga) and Pyzaty Przemek (Chubby Charlie) will, all day long, present practical information that will help us make more favorable decisions both for us and the Earth's resources.

Furthermore, the cooks present in the city centre will advise how to turn the residues from our refrigerators into delicious meals, the stylists will advise how to transform our old clothes into fashionable outfits, and architects will reveal how to use economically energy and create eco-friendly life space.

The launch of the European campaign in Poland makes us aware that everybody can use resources effectively through appropriate consumption models. The special guests - Andrzej Kraszewski, the Minister of the Environment, and Janez Potocnik, the EU Commissioner for Environment, will give an example of proper behavior and will arrive at the campaign stand (Centrum Metro station) by an eco-friendly taxi.

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The official website of the campaign:

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More information as regards the EU Presidency within the field of the environment: news, events' available at: