Bijeenkomst EU-Rusland over samenwerking in strafzaken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 12 oktober 2011.

EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council meeting ends in Warsaw

‘The meeting of the EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council has emphatically demonstrated that cooperation in a spirit of mutual respect and confidence is the right path to rapprochement between EU states and Russia,’ commented Polish Justice Minister Krzysztof Kwiatkowski immediately after the session concluded. Those in attendance included Russian Justice Minister Alexander Konovalov, Polish Minister of Interior and Administration Jerzy Miller and Russian Deputy Minister of Interior Sergei Bulavin.

Commissioner Cecilia Malmström i represented the European Commission at the meeting, devoted to freedom, security and justice issues.

‘We've organised this meeting half way through our Presidency and six months since the previous summit in Saint Petersburg,’ Kwiatkowski noted. ‘The results of our talks affirm the importance both sides attach to open and frank dialogue, particularly on difficult and sensitive issues on which we often have different points of view.’

The Polish Justice Minister emphasised how greatly he welcomed the progress on judicial cooperation between Russia and the European Community. ‘Boosting cooperation in this area is essential for both sides and it is crucial for ordinary citizens. This particularly applies to criminal matters. Russia and EU Member States are interested in mutual legal assistance in this sphere’

‘I am confident that the dialogue initiated today will produce practical solutions facilitating mutual assistance on criminal matters,’ Kwiatkowski said. ‘I am especially glad that we were able to evaluate the advances made in implementing the Road Map for the Common Space of Freedom, Security and Justice,’ Kwiatkowski summed up. ‘Russia recently adopted a law on the protection of personal data that is congruent with the Council of Europe Convention - and the Convention is our common point of reference. We now expect that the European Commission will quickly decide if the application of that law will let Russia wrap up the ongoing negotiations on cooperation agreements with EU agencies.’

The Permanent Partnership Council meets twice a year, with the venue alternating between Russia and the country currently holding the EU presidency. The sessions are also attended by representatives of the European Commission, the General Secretariat of the EU Council, the state holding the rotating presidency and European Union agencies.

The latest meeting, organised by the Polish Presidency, was held at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

Joanna Debek

Spokesperson of the Minister of Justice