Wapenfeiten Pools EU-voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 7 oktober 2011.

On 4th October, Minister Mikolaj Dowgielewicz addressed the forum of COSAC (Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union, European Parliamentand candidate countries,). In his address, he summed up the extent to which the Polish Presidency of the EU Council has achieved its priorities.

Minister Dowgielewicz recalled the difficult circumstances amid which Poland was presiding over the EU Council — the economic crisis and the EU’s identity crisis, He recalled that the goal of the Polish Chairmanship was to rebuild citizens’ confidence in the EU and to prove that the EU is able to function efficiently and effectively respond to challenges involving i.a. the euro zone, economic growth and unemployment.

Among the major achievements of the Polish Presidency Minister Dowgielewicz listed:

  • Agreement on the ‘six-pack’ — a packet of five regulations and one directive bolstering the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact as well as economic governance in the EU and euro zone. The compromise achieved in the course of negotiations with the European Parliament is proof that the EU is capable of carrying out even the most difficult of reforms pertaining to economic governance within existing structures.
  • The Presidency’s report, drafted jointly with the European Commission, on sources of economic growth,contains proposals which far transcend temporary, short-term anti-crisis measures. Due to be presented on 6th October 2011, the report will constitute the basic legacy of Poland’s Presidency. It will serve as the basis for the adoption by October’s European Council of conclusions containing a list of recommended pro-growth initiatives (including the conclusion of work on European patents, stepped up work on the 28th legal regime, the e-commerce packet, facilitation of venture capital market development and lowering roaming fees).


  • The efficient launch of long and arduous negotiations on a successive EU financial perspective for 2014-2010 during an informal meeting of ministers and secretaries of state for European affairs in Sopot. Member States accepted the methodology and schedule presented by the Presidency and endorsed the Commission’s proposal for a Multiannual Financial Framework as a basis for further discussion. Moreover, at the initiative of the Polish Presidency, on 20th-21st October this year, a conference on the Multiannual Financial Framework will be held. Co-hosted by the European Commission and European Parliament, it will also be attended by representatives of national parliaments of Member States.
  • Continuation of the European open-door policy in spite of the economic crisis in the euro zone and Schengen area by finalising two years of negotiations on an accession treaty with Croatia. It is due to be signed in December this year, most likely in Warsaw. Progress has also been made in negotiations with other candidate countries.
  • Developing European Neighbourhood Policy
  • in the southern dimension: by supporting the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy’s democratisation agenda for the countries of North Africa, recently liberated from totalitarian regime, whose purpose is to aid transformation in the direction of democratic, civil societies based on the rule of law.
  • in the eastern dimension: by developing the Eastern Partnership. The Eastern Partnership Summit, held on 29th-30th September in Warsaw, adopted a declaration reaffirming the intention to further deepen integration between the EU and its eastern neighbours. That declaration of will was backed by numerous concrete measures. They included a declaration to complete negotiations on an association agreement with Ukraine by the end of the year and to launch such negotiations with Moldova and Georgia as well as a pledge of visa-free travel to the EU.
  • Progress in EU institutional matters within the EU Council-European Parliament-European Commissionframework through the achievement of agreement in the area of:
  • EU external financial instrumentsof key significance to the EU’s credibility in extending development assistance to third countries;
  • correlation tables, describing the state of implementation of EU law in Member States. A compromise in that area will make it possible to unblock work on important EU legal acts.

Through its successful conclusion of those difficult to resolve issues, the Polish Presidency has proved the significance of inter-institutional cooperation and the functioning of the community method.

In response to queries from representatives of national parliament of EU Member States, candidate countries and the European Parliament, Minister Dowgielewicz announced that:

  • under Poland’s Presidency closer EU-NATO cooperation has been achieved. It is the Presidency’s ambition to achieve in December a compromise on planning civilian and military operations in cooperation with the High Representative C. Ashton.
  • a difficult challenge for the Presidency are discussions on the future of the Schengen area. The Presidency has undertaken considerable effort to create a common asylum system.
  • Polandis conducting intensive efforts in the EU to implement the digital agenda — facilitation in Internet commerce, and has noted progress in the pursuit of a European patent.
  • We are working to achieve progress in the EU’s cooperation with Russia. At Poland’s initiative and as a result of efforts by the Polish Presidency, in October this year negotiations with the European Commission and Member States on introducing border-area travel with the Kaliningrad region will be concluded The Presidency also backs Russia in its accession to the WTO.

Summing up, Minister Dowgielewicz emphasised that the general aim motivating the efforts of Poland’s EU Council Presidency is an ‘ever closer Union’.