Transport centraal thema bijeenkomst Raad Transport, Telecommunicatie en Energie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 6 oktober 2011.

On 6thOctober in Luxembourg, Infrastructure Minister Cezary Grabarczyk will chair the Polish Presidency's first formal meeting of the EU Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE). The agenda is devoted exclusively to transport-related issues.

With regards to road transportation, the meeting will debate a revision of regulations on recording equipment for the transportation industry (tachographs) - focusing on questions the Polish Presidency came up with.

Regarding transport cooperation, the Council will adopt decisions on the European Commission’s communication, ‘The EU and its neighboring regions: A renewed approach to transport cooperation.’The conclusions will highlight the importance of boosting transport links with neighboring regions.

On air transportation, the Council will consider authorizing the European Commission to open negotiations on a comprehensive air transport agreement with Azerbaijan and to conduct negotiations on a high-level accord between the Union and the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation

(Eurocontrol i).

Over lunch, the ministers will deliberate the new concept of, ‘core network Corridors,’ a concept proposed by the EC in the context of a revision on guidelines concerning the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

Finally, the Presidency will report on the results of the transport ministers' informal meeting in Sopot which took place between 5th-6thSeptember, and was devoted to the acquisition of private financing for the development of transport infrastructure.The Presidency will also brief the participants on the

ministerial conference on the Eastern Partnership, due to be held in Cracow on 24th-25thOctober. Lastly, the European Commission will report on the Blue Belt pilot project and the current situation pertaining to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme.

The meeting will conclude with two presentations: one, by the Italian delegation concerning a conference on piracy, to be held in the context of the World Maritime Day (Rome, 13th-14thOctober), and the other, by the Czech delegation - about the visa requirement imposed by the Russian Federation on Czech civilian air crews.

Justyna Moson

The Presidency’s Spokesperson for the Ministry of Infrastructure