Europees Toerisme Forum Krakau in teken van competitie binnen toerismesector (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 7 oktober 2011.

On 5th-7th October, Cracow will become the centre of European tourism: on those days in the capital of Lesser Poland the 10th European Tourism Forum will take place, as well as the most important event of the Polish Presidency in the Council of the European Union in this area, namely an informal meeting of tourism ministers from EU Member States.

Organised annually since 2002, the European Tourism Forum is a response to the EU Council’s call for dialogue between the public sector, the tourism industry and other stakeholders. Participating in the forum are representatives of the European Commission, central and regional domestic tourism organisations, local government, international organisations and tourism enterprises.

The objective of the forum is to enable the tourism industry to present and discuss key issues for tourism.

The theme of this year's European Tourism Forum in Cracow is "Stimulating competition in the European tourism sector”. This is a continuation of discussions begun during the ninth European Tourism Forum in Mellieha (Malta) on the actions foreseen in the Commission Communication of 2010, entitled Europe - the world’s no. 1 tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe, COM (2010) 352.

When the forum ends, an informal meeting of tourism ministers from EU Member States will take place. The theme of the meeting is the key issues concerning the implementation of the European Commission Communication: Promoting Europe in external countries.