EPSCO Raad beëindigt beraadslagingen (en)
On 3rd October 2011 the first formal session of the Council on Employment,
Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO Council) was held in
Luxembourg under the chairmanship of the Minister i of Labour and Social
Policy, Madam Jolanta Fedak.
During the session a discussion was held on the role being played by the European Social Fund (ESF) in the implementation of the ‘Europe 2020’ strategy. The Ministers in charge of employment and social policy in the European Union’s Member States presented their experiences with the European Social Fund, pointed out the European Union’s future priorities and debated on how to improve the effective functioning and use of the European Social Fund. Emphasis was laid upon the need to simplify the procedures governing the use of the ESF, curbing bureaucracy, involving local and regional partners and making the ESF more flexible. The results of the EPSCO Council’s debate will be conveyed to the General Affairs Council for consideration during negotiations on cohesion policy.
At a working lunch, the Ministers deliberated on european migration and mobility
within the context of future challenges and opportunities.
When the ‘various matters’ point was reached on the agenda, a debate took place
on the future of the aid programme for the EU’s poorest. An overwhelming majority of states taking the floor in the debate favoured continuing the aid programme. It was with satisfaction that they took note of the information provided by Mr L. Andor i, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Social Integration, that the Commission will present a new proposed regulation which should dispel the misgivings of certain states over the legal basis for providing assistance.
Most ministers, including Madam Minister J. Fedak, indicated how difficult it would be to explain to citizens any decision to abandon food assistance to the neediest during an economic crisis whilst declaring a readiness to pursue the social objectives of the Europe 2000 strategy such as reducing poverty in the EU. The debate concluded with Madam Minister J. Fedak pledging that the Polish Presidency would convey to the Agriculture Commission the information that Social Affairs Ministers were interested in finding a solution enabling the continuation of food assistance to the EU’s neediest.
The Council also accepted:
•The conclusions — Role of volunteering in social policy
•The Conclusions — meeting the demographic challenge: institutional
cooperation amongst Member States on demographic issues and reconciling
working time with family life — for compatibility of career and family
The Polish Presidency informed the Council about:
•the first Annual European Convention of the European Platform against
Poverty and Social Exclusion due to be held in Kraków on 17th-18th October
•the meeting of Labour and Employment Ministers of the G20 states which took
place in Paris on 26th-27th September
•the informal meeting of Employment and Social Affairs Ministers, held in
Sopot on 7th-8th September and conferences organised by the Presidency in
September, namely:
-the e-volunteering conference held in Warsaw on 12th September 2011
-the European Women’s Congress which took place in Warsaw on 17th-18th September
-‘Innovativeness and social consequences of the crisis’ conference held in
Wroclaw on 26th September and
-the high-level International Conference ‘Europe of active citizenship:
volunteering’ which took place in Warsaw on 30th September.
More information at the EU Council website