Interne Markt Forum: barrières op de interne markt elimineren (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 28 september 2011.

Lowering roaming fees, introducing a European Professional Card and free electronic-payment space are the subjects due to be discussed at the Single Market Forum. The Ministry of Economy, European Parliament and European Commission invite those interested to SIMFO which is being held on 3rd-4th October 2011 in Cracow.

Members of the European Parliament, government experts and representatives of business organisations will be discussing questions pertaining to professional qualifications, alternative ways of resolving disputes, facilitating business activities and electronic commerce.

Forum participants will also be seeking solutions in such areas as the basic social rights to which delegated employees are entitled, improved functioning of public procurement, cooperation of the public administration with citizens and entrepreneurs as well as civil rights.

Representatives of the business community, economic-sector organisations, non-governmental organisations, the administration of Member States and consumers will share their experiences with the functioning of a Single Market.

The opening of the Forum will be preceded by a Single Market Fair, and information and promotional event due to begin on 2nd October 2011 at 12 noonin the Main Marketplace of Cracow which will last for the duration of the Forum. During the Fair, various supportive European services facilitating the use of Single Market conveniences for citizens and entrepreneurs will be showcased. Information in that area will be presented by Twoja Europa (Your Europe), Europe Direct i, SOLVIT i, EURES i and EU-Go as well as the European Consumer Centres Network, Enterprise Europe Network and European Network of Ombudsmen.

The climax of the SIMFO will be the signing of the Cracow Declaration making the European Commission and Member States duty bound to take additional steps to promote and avail themselves of the Single Market as a motor force of economic development.

Among the participants of the Single Market Forum will be Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Waldemar Pawlak, EU Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier i, European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek i, MEPs Róza Thun and Luis Grech as well as the President of the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO i), John Dalli i.

Participation in the SIMFO is free of charge!

The event is open to the media. We cordially invite you!



The SIMFO is being organised by the Ministry of Economy representing the Polish Presidency as well as the European Parliament and European Commission.

The SIMFO will be held on 3rd-4th October 2011 at the Jagiellonian University’s Auditorium Maximum UJ, ul. Krupnicza 33 in Cracow.

The organisers have also invited the winners of the ‘Tell us your story’ contest. EU citizens and entrepreneurs were requested to share their experiences connected to the functioning of the Single Market. Of the 150 submitted entries, the European Commission selected five which in the organisers’ view best illustrated the practical problems encountered by consumers and entrepreneurs. Among the five winners was a Pole, Karolina Tesarska, who focused on persistent obstacles to online trans-border commerce. The contest winners will present their stories at the SIMFO. They can already be viewed at:

The story of the Polish winner:

SIMFO programme

SIMFO-promoting film: