Poolse premier spreekt met voorzitter Europese Raad Herman van Rompuy (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 12 september 2011.

On Monday, Prime Minister Donald Tusk i met with the President of the European Council Herman VanRompuy.The Prime Minister’s Brussels visit focused on issues surrounding economic governance in the EU, preparations for the Eastern Partnership i Summit, and work on the EU accession treaty with Croatia.

‘Poland is in favour of the European Union showing more economic and financial discipline as a whole, and against creating new divisions in the community,’ said Prime Minister Donald Tusk at the press conference in Brussels.

‘Our chief task today - in cooperation with the President of the European Council, the European Commission, and the European Parliament - is to work towards adopting, already in September, all the necessary regulations for economic governance, the so-called six-pack,’ stated Prime Minister Tusk, referring to the issue of adopting six acts of legislation to tighten economic governance in the EU.

‘In October, we will continue our economic discussion at the European Council.The agenda will focus on external aspects of the EU’s economic policy and on enhancing European competitiveness,’ announced Herman Van Rompuy i.He also added that the Council, at the meeting in October, will set the EU’s position for the G20 i summit and the Climate Conference in Durban.

‘We are both determined to make sure that the crisis does not harm in any way the efforts to bring the European Partnership countries closer to Europe and to finalise negotiations over further EU integration and enlargement,’ noted the head of the Polish government.

The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss preparations for the Eastern Partnership Summit to be held in Warsaw on 29-30 September. Other topics discussed included steps to enable full membership of Bulgaria and Romania in the Schengen i area.