Aandacht voor biobrandstoffen bij ontwikkeling landbouw (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 18 juli 2011.

The conference entitled “Energy use of biomass from agriculture as an important element of the Common Agricultural Policy” was held in Sopot on 16 July 2011.

The objective of the conference was to initiate the discussion on the use of energy from renewable sources, in particular biomass from agriculture, in rural areas.

The organisation of the conference and the discussion itself is a part of the implementation of the Polish Presidency's priority in the area of agriculture and rural development, namely, "Biomass, renewable resources - as a factor improving the energy security and economic development of the EU.”

The Polish Presidency considers important the promotion of measures aimed at increasing the generation of energy mainly from by-products and waste generated by agriculture during food production. It is worth remembering that such development of renewable energy poses no threat to food security. The EU agriculture has an opportunity to improve its competitiveness by using raw materials that are absent from traditional commodity trading and the possibility to diversify sources of income.

Active participation of agriculture in energy generation will also contribute to the diversification of energy sources and thus will increase energy security of the entire EU. The appropriate use of existing potential of renewable energy sources may significantly improve the energy balance of the European Union and provide an impulse for sustainable growth.

The participants of the conference included the representatives of the EU Ministers for Agriculture, the European Commission, the Council and the European Parliament, central and local government authorities and experts on renewable energy sources.

The discussion at the conference was concluded with a joint communication which will be used in further work on specific legislative proposals in this regard.

Anna Pieniazek

Spokesperson for the Presidency

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development