Pools voorzitterschap ontvangt afvaardiging Liberale europarlementariërs (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 11 juli 2011.

This Monday, Prime Minister Donald Tusk i received representatives of ALDE (Alliance for Liberals and Democrats in Europe) - the liberal political faction in the European Parliament. The ALDE delegation was headed by its leader, Guy Verhofstadt i.

For more than one hour, Prime Minister Tusk’s discussion with top ALDE politicians focused on two topics, primarily: a legislative package in the field of economic management in the European Union (dubbed the Six-Pack), and the Multiannual Financial Framework (the future multiannual European Union budget).

With regard to the former, Prime Minister Tusk emphasised how important it is to swiftly design a sound compromise between the European Union Council and the European Parliament. “We realise that the solution is required as soon as possible. Today has shown how unpredictable the market situation is”, the Prime Minister said.

With regard to the discussion concerning the Union’s new multiannual budget, both Prime Minister Tusk and the ALDE representatives emphasised the importance of the Budget Conference. “The Conference is a good idea”, Guy Verhofstadt said. He believes any debate concerning the European Union’s budget ought to be based on a proposal recently tabled by the European Commission.

This is an opinion the head of the Polish government supports. “We want the European Parliament to co-organise the Budget Conference”, Prime Minister Tusk declared.

The Monday meeting with the ALDE faction in Warsaw was a yet another in a series of meetings with top political groups in the European Parliament. Earlier, Prime Minister Tusk talked to representatives of the European People’s Party, the Group of Socialists and Democrats (the social-democratic faction), and the “Green” leaders (Greens/EFA). Moreover, Prime Minister Tusk was host to a conference of presidents of the European Parliament in Warsaw, with the current EP President Jerzy Buzek i. The purpose of all meetings was to boost and strengthen political support for the Polish Presidency in the European Union Council. As declared by ALDE leader Guy Verhofstadt yesterday, the Polish Presidency may count on such support among European Parliament liberals.

Related events:

Participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland in the session of European Parliament