EP-voorzitter Buzek over start Pools voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 1 juli 2011.

The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek i made the following statement on the start of the Polish Presidency of the EU starting today 1 July 2011. President Buzek is in Warsaw taking part in the official ceremonies launching the Presidency.

EP President Buzek said:

"We in the European Parliament expect to have an excellent relationship with the first-ever Polish Presidency of the European Union. I expect Poland to give real impulse to the EU, whether it is on EU neighbourhood policy or on European economic governance.

Poland's enthusiasm and creativity are especially needed to overcome the atmosphere of caution and doubt that has gathered in some corners of the EU as a result of the sovereign debt crisis. I hope that the zeal and passion of the Poles will prove contagious and improve the mood in the EU.

The priorities that the Polish Presidency has set are Community initiatives which can make our Union stronger: re-launching the economy through both the long-term budget and strengthening the internal market, security of energy, cooperation in defence and upgrading our neighbourhood policy. These are all areas where there is true European added value.

From the European Parliament's point of view, the Presidency is a strong legislative partner because of the new powers given to us by the Treaty.

I look forward to welcoming Prime Minister Tusk and Polish Ministers to the European Parliament next week. "


  • Robert A. Golanski


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