Europese Commissie: Europees kader aanbesteding levert besparing van 20 miljard op (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Ondernemingen en industrie (ENTR) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 24 juni 2011.

Budgetary constraints mean that efficient public purchasing is moving up the policy agenda in all Member States. In order to ensure the efficient use of public money, reforms to existing rules should create more flexible and user-friendly tools to reduce costs and the duration of contracting procedures. That is why reform of public procurement legislation is one of the 12 priority actions articulated in the Single Market Act, which was adopted in April 2011

Today, the Commission published the results of a comprehensive evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of EU public procurement legislation. It also published a synthesis of the main views expressed by the over 620 respondents to the Green Paper on modernisation of EU public procurement legislation.