Verklaring EU-voorzitter Van Rompuy over gesprek met Griekse oppositieleider (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 juni 2011.

Statement by Herman Van Rompuy i President of the European Council following his meeting with Antonis Samaras, President of the Greek party Nea Dimokratia

I met today with Mr Antonis Samaras, President of the Greek party Nea Dimokratia. We discussed the economic situation in Greece.

I underlined the need for Greece to continue with determination with its adjustment efforts, in order to restore fiscal sustainability and competitiveness, and safeguard financial sector stability. Important progress has been achieved in the last year but more needs to be done to ensure sustainable recovery. Major efforts are needed both in terms of revenue and expenditure.

The readiness of the euro area to continue to provide support to Greece depends on a strong and ambitious adjustment programme, as proposed by the Troika mission with the Commission, the ECB and the IMF.

Efforts to put Greece back on track to a sustainable and credible fiscal path and to economic recovery require all parties to provide broad and constructive political support. I have urged Mr Samaras to be cooperative in this respect.