Voorzitter Europese Commissie Barroso spreekt met Griekse oppositieleider (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 juni 2011.

The President of the European Commission, Mr José Manuel Barroso i, received today Mr Andonis Samaras, leader of the main Greek opposition party Nea Demokratia.

In their meeting they discussed the present economic and financial situation of Greece. President Barroso used this opportunity to urge Mr Samaras to show his commitment to reach a broad national consensus so that Greece can face in the most determined and effective manner its present historical challenges to address the situation of its public finances.

In fact, the European Commission together with the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund recently concluded a mission to Greece to review and discuss the state of implementation of the adjustment programme. As a result of this mission the Commission strongly believes that a broad political and societal support to the reform measures is critically important for restoring confidence in the future of the Greek economy.